Effcient Acquisition and Realistic Rendering of Car Paint

Johannes Günther, Tongbo Chen, Michael Goesele, Ingo Wald, and Hans-Peter Seidel

Teaser 1 Teaser 2 Teaser 3 Teaser 4


The outside appearance of cars is mostly defined through only two distinct materials – glass and car paint. While glass can rather easily be simulated by the simple physical laws of reflection and refraction, modelling car paint is more challenging.

In this paper we present a framework for the efficient acquisition and realistic rendering of real-world car paint. This is achieved by building an easy-to-reproduce measuring setup, fitting the measured data to a general BRDF model for car paint, adding a component for simulating the sparkling effect of metallic paints, and rendering using a specially designed shader in a realtime ray tracer.


VMV 2005
9 pages
8233 kb

bibtex entry
9318 kb


Here we provide our measured BRDF data sets.


You may download and use the data only for non-commercial and research purposes!

Format description

The 3-dimensional BRDF is stored using the halfway vector based parameterization (see Section 4.1 in the paper for details). φd is split into 180 bins, while θh and θd are subdivided into 90 bins. The order of the dimensions is φd, θh, θd. Each table entry consists of 3 float values, representing the red, green and blue channel.
This is more or less the raw measured data. The BRDF values are not normalized (there can be values grater than 1.0) and no color calibration has been done. Invalid values are marked with -1.0.

Example code

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

typedef struct {
  float r, g, b;
} Color;

const unsigned THETA = 90;
const unsigned PHI = 180;
Color *data = new Color[THETA * THETA * PHI];
ifstream file("brdf_data");
// skip header

Color col;
for (unsigned phi_d = 0; phi_d < PHI; phi_d++)
  for (unsigned theta_h = 0; theta_h < THETA; theta_h++)
    for (unsigned theta_d = 0; theta_d < THETA; theta_d++) {
      fread(&col, sizeof(Color), 1, file);
      // now a different order of the dimensions can be used
      data[(theta_h * THETA + theta_d) * PHI + phi_d] = col;

Data sets

white [gz][zip]

2k_acrylack [gz][zip]

blue [gz][zip]

blue_matte [gz][zip]

ford_f8 [gz][zip]

BMW339 [gz][zip]

OPEL_titan [gz][zip]

polaris_silver [gz][zip]

all sets [tar.gz][zip]
8 data sets
58 Mb


carpaint.avi 640 × 480, 25 fps, 5 sec, MPEG4 (xvid), 7840 kb

sparkles.avi 640 × 480, 25 fps, 5 sec, MPEG4, 4112 kb


back_hq.png 1280 × 960, 1296 kb

pos1.jpg 4640 × 1920, 1208 kb

pos1.png 4640 × 1920, 8244 kb

pos2.jpg 4640 × 1920, 1064 kb

pos2.png 4640 × 1920, 6768 kb

pos3.jpg 4640 × 1920, 648 kb

pos3.png 4640 × 1920, 5292 kb

2k_acrylack.png 640 × 480, 368 kb

BMW339.png 640 × 480, 384 kb

OPEL_titan.png 640 × 480, 384 kb

blue.png 640 × 480, 392 kb

blue_matte.png 640 × 480, 384 kb

ford_f8.png 640 × 480, 384 kb

polaris_silver.png 640 × 480, 384 kb

white.png 640 × 480, 376 kb

door_glossy.png 640 × 480, 276 kb

side.png 640 × 480, 364 kb

sparkles.png 640 × 480, 908 kb